🌿Cryo Kissed🌿

☽ Graves | Transman | He/Him | MLM ☾
• Pagan • Alternative • I write sometimes •My AO3
â—‡You support bi/pan lesbiansâ—‡
â—‡You've got bigoted views. So transphobia, homophobia, racism, you're a terf, you get the gist. I honestly don't know why you'd follow me to begin with tho.â—‡
â—‡You love to kiss billionaire ass. You're STILL worshipping the ground Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos walk on? You're a clown.â—‡
â—‡Ship pedophilic and incestual content. That's so cringe.â—‡
â—‡Enough of the pride flag discourse. There's so much more to be worrying about than a flag. Unless the flag is actually harmful (i.e. promoting harmful ideas, have bigoted symbols/meanings, ect ), arguing over "this flag copied this flag!" is so out of touch with reality.â—‡

☼ BYI ☼☽ Please be aware that I would like to keep from having cishet mutuals. It's nothing personal, but I want a space where I can be fully comfortable as myself ☾
☽ I only interact with mlm, wlw, nblm, and nblw content. If you're someone who mainly posts m/f or is m/f centric, odds are I won't interact ☾
☽ If any of the above offends you please note that I'm just a gay person digging for scraps of gay content. The world revolves around m/f, me choosing not to partake in that is literally harmless ☾
☽ I am very critical of modern adaptations of Greek Myths and the Gods. I regularly talk about how I don't like Lore Olympus, Percy Jackson, Lore, and The Blood of Zeus. If you like any of these pieces of media, it's probably best you don't follow ☾